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Fuckmaster has been in 4 movies

All good things must come to an end, and so it is with my best buddy in the whole world, Wyatt. You've seen a lot of him, in lots of different situations, but here is my personal favorite. Wyatt and I were hanging one fun, event-filled night and eventually we got to where we were both super horny and we both wanted to jerk off. I told him... continued
About a week ago, a some buddies came over with a dirtbike and a quad and we decided to go exploring out in the desert. It was all fun and games until my buddy M flipped the dirtbike and landed in a cactus, scratching up is back pretty bad and killing the bike. The video starts out with us getting ready to go back to the house. We're abou... continued
My buddy Matt, who you'e already gotten introduced to, has been spending quite a bit of time over at my place. And a lot of that time, he's spent talking to his girlfriend, who lives all the way on the other side of the country. They don't get to see each other a lot. However, they do get to sex each other up over the phone lines quite a ... continued
My buddy Matt likes to come over to my house just to get off base. He's also a very funny guy who's always entertaining, so I often end up taping our exploits. He hates clothes as much as I do. I have him naked on tape in many more cases than I can show, because he usually likes to drop trou, and there's generally a bunch of people ar... continued

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