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At the end of the last video, after Randy was done getting stripped for his beer pong game, it came out that Randy "always shoots huge loads". Of course I couldn't let a statement like this go by without fact-checking it. The only issue being that after several rounds, his dick wasn't as enthusiastic as we were. No worries, his girl was ... continued
You've hung out with Marcus and Tanker before, and so you already know that these two hot country-fried marines are best friends and roommates in the barracks. Except for one month, they have spent pretty much every day together since boot camp, 2 years ago. So these guys are tight. Marcus and Tanker have been coming over a lot recentl... continued
The same night as the last video, after Nick had gone off to bang some chick, Scott and Al were hanging back to chill out. Al was Scott's actual roommate in the barracks, although he didn't see much of him because Scott was always at my place. That's why when the porno I put in (Desperate Housewhores Vol 3, no marine can resist it) s... continued
I've known my buddy Ted for about a year now, great guy, one of the most loyal and true friends you'll ever have. Recently he's been bring some of his buddies over to hang out at the house, because: OFF BASE. Trust ne you have to have been in the military to know how awesome it is just to get off base sometimes. Always happy to help. M... continued
So by now Trevor and Nick had been wrestling quite a while, and they weren't fucking around either they really went at it. After a night of grappling across every piece of furniture in the room, Nick had to take a smoke break. He spent it in front of the patio window showing his big dick off to the whole world, and although we were up on ... continued
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