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Funny story: I am an idiot. Me and my buddy Dan decided to go out shooting, we had been talking about it forever and if you know me and this site you know I like to take my buddies out for some cocks-out target practice. So, we hopped in Dan's shit-kicking truck and headed out into the desert. Now Dan and I have let off rounds together be... continued
This update is something of a departure from what you usually see on MyStraightBuddy. It's a leftover from the roadtrip, one that I'm just now getting around to releasing. Zack and I were in some little shitty motel when we realized the roadtrip was costing us lots more than we had bargained for. We can really blow through some cash, I go... continued
So Tom is a buddy of mine, who, after some nights hanging out together, let it be known that he'd really like to tape for me. Like, he was really clear about the fact that I should talk to him about what he could do. And the way he said it, I realized this meant that he's heard that I could suck a dick and he wanted to find out what this ... continued
There's more road trip shenanigans with Neo and Zed to come, however lets break it up with a gold old-fashioned buddy blowjay. Sometimes a buddy needs money. He'll call me up and be like, as in Allen's case, "I'm getting an apartment with my GF off base and there's a security deposit." I can help with that. Allen has to remain mos... continued
My buddies Mark and George came over, and ended up hanging out too late for George to get his hair back in regs for work the next day.
Hey peeps, Chuck's back and he was horny as fuck. This huge cocked Marine was ready to have his monster meat sucked. Check out the cumshot at the end it's something else!
In which I convinced Chuck to get a massage, and it goes a little further and a little further until before I know it I was holding his huge hard cock in my hand and Chuck had a big-ass smile on his face.
So, this is a video I recorded two and half years ago, right before the end. It sucked to have to put it on the shelf, because it's such a hot video. It's the last one with Nick, who was the Marine who got popped in the 29 Palms Marine Porn Scandal, and James who was a sergeant getting out of the USMC so I got him to let me tape him in un... continued
Zed and Neo are best bros, and we hang out a lot together, all three of us. A better, more loyal set of best friends you'll never find. I love these guys. Their ginger buddy William I don't know as well but he was cool, too. He was a fellow Marine from Zed's shop, married, just had a kid. Totally cool with peepin' his buddies' asses getti... continued
So I've been sitting on this one for a minute, waiting for Caleb to get out of the Corps (you'll notice we're talking about him going on Xmas leave in a few weeks in the video). Caleb is a tall Marine with a big dick...doesn't start out that way but this kid is the definition of a grower cuz it gets huge. He's hot a killer personality tha... continued
At the end of the last video, after Randy was done getting stripped for his beer pong game, it came out that Randy "always shoots huge loads". Of course I couldn't let a statement like this go by without fact-checking it. The only issue being that after several rounds, his dick wasn't as enthusiastic as we were. No worries, his girl was ... continued
So Chuck is a buddy who got back from Syria, it feels to me like he just got back but it was actually like 2 months ago. Chuck likes to come over cuz he has a super-uptight christian roommate in the barracks, and it's hard to get TV time. Chuck says sometimes he just informs his roommate he's going into the shitter to spank one and don't ... continued
Meet new Marine Keith. We've been drinking buds for a while, until recently of course. Keith will be on elf the first Marines I have shots with when all this is over. Keith is from Texas, and you can tell by his accent that he's got an old pickup with a shotgun and a fishing pole back home. He's one of them country types who don't giv... continued
So Randy and I had reason to head down the hill to grab a part for his vehicle, and he was feeling particularly horny...and we had been talking about how much fun it was to go naked driving, and I had a pretty good idea that I'd be able to talk him into it. As it turns out, I didn't have to talk him into anything, not even jerking off whi... continued
John and I went to the Motel 6 for this one, for the simple reason that my Marine buddies had been coming over after the bar a few times in a row and my place was trashed, with beer cans and red solo cups everywhere. John wanted to "get taken care of" and I was down, but not at my pad, so I met him at the Motel 6. John came straight fr... continued
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